Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Refocusing My Lenses


There is always, ALWAYS something to be grateful for.

Like many of your homes, the Hoffman household has faced the flu season head on this year. Sickness has been rampant this season and somedays it has felt all consuming and overpowering. I'm reminded how weak and needy I am. I'm reminded how the ungrateful tendencies of my heart are quick to surface and slow to dissipate.

The sickness in my heart and body all too similar in comparison.

Why is it that my heart shift seems to favor the side of selfishness? Couldn't it be that even for one day, one moment, my sinful tendencies would wane enough, so the default setting of my heart would be gratitude?

I get it, I do. I believe that every single day is a battle, there is a war being waged. A fight that I get oh so weary of fighting in my own strength. That's the true problem right there. Choosing to fight in my own strength which is failing at best. Yes, that is the real struggle.

Of course I'm going to get weary and run down. Of course my tendencies will lean towards selfishness, because my natural human autopilot is self. I can push, I can struggle, I can give it my best effort all day long, never gaining an ounce of headway.

Exhausted. Discouraged. Weary.

My Hope?

But right there in the midst of this self-absorbed failing pursuit, is my Savior. My loving Savior who is always there. Loving me in my mess. He opens my eyes to the reality of my insanity and gently calls me to open up the folded arms of my heart, so that He can embrace me in love once again.

The beauty of the cross centered life, is that it always brings you back to gratitude. No matter what you are facing, the cross reveals that it is all grace.

My physical sickness is grace.
The Spirit's revelation of my need for Him is grace.
It's all grace.

I will be forever grateful for the Spirit's pursuit of me. I'm a wandering child in the midst of the world's worst snowstorm, and He is there. He finds me, and knows the condition of my being better than I know myself. He picks me back up and breathes life and direction back into my cold heart once again.

He is for me. Always for me.

Here I am once again Lord, give me the grace to stay focused on YOU! My circumstances may try to get the best of me, but if I give YOU the best (my focus/my affections) from the beginning, there will be nothing left to take.

So Friend, I'm closing this one out with borrowed words, because they express so deeply what my heart is singing today.

Be blessed dear one. You are loved by the King!

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