Thursday, August 22, 2013

"Cherish the Simple Things"

Life just doesn't slow down, does it? The concept of time has always been a fascination of mine. 
How can something so consistent, often feel like it speeds up or slows down at a moments notice?

Recently I have been pondering the day to day moments in my life, when I have chosen to slow myself down enough to fully live in the moment, being completely engaged in mind, heart, and body.

I call it "Cherishing the Simple Things"

It is in these moments when I am reminded and overjoyed at the many blessings God has placed right in front of me! If I simply SLOW DOWN and BE STILL long enough to behold them and soak them up, the blessings are free to be mine. I am learning, that "simple things" become something much more profound when cherished and savored. They become a monumental happening, a snap-shot stored away in the depths of my heart and mind, a vivid memory which ALMOST persuades time to stand still...

Now, perhaps you are wondering what these simple things in my life might be...or maybe I should leave them here Just in case I need to remember them in the "busy" days ahead....

* Going for an early morning run with Chase and looking out over the completely calm lake as we run past....

* The way Chase's face lights up when he shares with me the things he is passionate about...

* The sound of Voices raised together in praise and adoration of our sweet Savior...

* Cuddles from ALL the children in my life...and their sweet voices saying " I LOVE YOU!"

* Making memories in our first home...even if the pictures we hang aren't perfectly level...

* Tickling and giggling with little Bella until neither of us can breathe from pure happiness...

* The smell of fresh cut fruit and the refreshment it brings on warm summer days...

* Watching Marley chase after tennis balls...makes me laugh EVERY time...

* Going on nature walks with Emme, Jacob and Gabby....and searching for the "perfect" leaf....

* Memorizing Bible verses, singing "Jesus" songs and praying with the kiddos in my life, and inevitably learning more lessons from a children's song than I would dare to admit...

* Taking a few sacred moments to pray with Chase and my 90 year old grandma, holding onto each other as if the moment would last forever...

* Sitting here in the "Quiet Napping House" while the rain comes, the washer runs,  the calming music plays, and 3 kiddos sleep...

Until next time...

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